Keyword Research is the base of doing any other online marketing effectively. It helps tell you the next steps to take to achieve your goals.

Keyword Research Strategy and Planning

Top Keywords Researched
Keyword Research
The best way to strategize and plan for your website is keyword research. 

  • What keyword phrases are related to your website?
  • What keyword phrases are searched for the most?
  • Which keyword phrases are the easiest to rank for?
  • What questions do people ask that is related to your website?
  • What websites should you get links from based on your keyword phrase?
  • What type of links should you get related to your best keyword phrase?

With this report, you can answer all of these questions and get our recommendations on your website.

  • The number of times per month each keyword phrase is searched for.
  • How hard it is to rank for each keyword phrase.
    (The keyword phrases will be color coded from green to red to get an idea quickly.)
  • A percentage from 1 to 100 that the keyword phrase will likely get clicked on. (Organic CTR)
  • A short comment on what you would have to do to rank for each keyword phrase.
  • Questions people ask related to your keyword research theme.
  • Best website links to get for your best keyword phrase.
  • The best type of website links you should concentrate on for linking to your website.
  • Recommendations from me on what you should do to give your website the maximum performance it needs.
  • An in-depth analysis of how to use this information

There you have it. With this report you will get a list of the best keyword phrases to build your website around, a list of websites to get links from that relate to your best keyword phrase, and what types of links you should get that will help you the best.

Contact The Internet Presence, LLC to do the research for you to let you know what is the biggest things to write, blog, or create a video for and lets you know what type of medium to use.

By the way, this information is also helpful if you want to do pay per click advertising.

Follow this link to find out more of what our main website for The Internet Presence, LLC can do for you. In addition to digital marketing that is the core focus of this website The Internet Presence, LLC also offers web design, web hosting, website maintenance, and do-it-yourself web editors.