Digital Marketing Terms (Terminology) I

Image Carousels

This is the horizontally scrollable set of images that show up in the search engine SERPs (search engine results pages) sometimes.

Image Compression

This is the act of software or a CMS reducing the size of the image that loads up on your website to speed up loading time. It is in best practice to reduce the size of the images first before adding them to your website instead of letting your website do it for you (if it is capable of that).

Image Sitemap

This is a sitemap that lists images only on your website. This is useful if you want to rank in certain categories and websites.

Image Thumbnails

These are reduced-sized images that are displayed on a web page to enable the page to load up faster and are usually linked to the larger version of that image.

Inbound Link

This is the phrase that describes a link that points to your website from an outside source other than your own website.


The index is where the search engines store their data after they crawl your website. They then use this data to determine how to rank your website.

Index Coverage Report

This is a report located in Google Search Console that shows you how much of your website Google has crawled and indexed. To help Google crawl and index deeper pages submit a sitemap in Google Search Console. You can view this tool here.


This is a measurement of how easy it is for search engine bots (crawlers) can index your website to include it in their database (Index). The robots.txt file, proper navigation layout of your website, inclusion in Google Search Console, sitemaps, etc. all help the search engines crawl and index your website easier and help reach the ‘deeper’ pages of your website.

Indexed Page

A web page of your website that has been visited by the search engines, crawled, indexed, and added to their database (Index) is considered to be an indexed page.

Information Layout

How the content of the web page is displayed on the website by location. For example, the navigation is usually along the top of the left side while the content is below or to the right of the navigation.

Information Retrieval

The way that information is searched for is retrieved via text, images, etc, and displayed to the searcher.

Internal Link

Links in a website that links to another page or on the same page of the same website. Navigation is a prime example of this. If you use links properly in the hub pages of a website to its sub-categories it can be helpful for search engine optimization (SEO).

IP Address

The IP address (Internet Protocol Address) is the non-text (numerical) way of showing the address of a website. An example of this is A shared IP address uses the same numbers for multiple websites while a dedicated IP Address is the only website using that same number. In the past, you used to have a dedicated IP address to have an SSL Certificate but that is no longer true. While having a dedicated or shared IP address does not directly help you rank a dedicated IP address does increase page loading time which in itself is a factor for ranking in the search engines.