Digital Marketing Terms (Terminology) L

Landing Page

A landing page is where a website visitor ‘lands’ when following a link from an ad, search engine search, affiliate link, or another website. Landing pages are frequently developed as a way to capture leads or obtain a goal. Many landing pages leave out the website navigation to increase the chance of getting leads or obtaining their goal and are generally used as a ‘sales’ page.

Lazy Loading

To speed up page load speed an element of a page does not load up until the rest of the page loads up first. This is commonly used with images on the web page.


A lead is an opportunity to turn a website visitor into a customer. Leads are often created by allowing website visitors to sign up for newsletters and sending them promotional material along with helpful information to entice them to buy your product or use your service. A good example would be a newsletter that describes the many uses of baking soda to promote an interest in buying baking soda from the website.


A link can be an internal, external, affiliate, or ad. Basically, a link is a text that when clicked on takes you to another web page or website.

Internal links are links within your own website that takes you to another page within your website. A proper linking structure will help search engines crawl your website better, help the website visitor find what they are looking for easier, and promote SEO (search engine optimization).

External links are also known as referral links. External links are links from other websites that when clicked go to your website. External links hold value to help you rank your own website depending upon the value of the website where they came from.

Affiliate links are links that when clicked help generate revenue for the person that has the link on their website through the use of promoting their product or service.

Ad links are links within advertisements like the ones found in Google Ads that when clicked go to your website for a small fee.

Link Accessibility

This is a description of how easy it is for a user or search engine to access a hyperlink on your website.

Link Bait

The use of content to grab someone’s attention to get them to click on a link is called link bait. An example of this would be, “Click here to learn 24 ways to use baking soda!”.

Link Building

Link building is the process of creating links to your website. There are very many ways to do this and is usually time-consuming.

Self-Replicating Links is creating content or a tool that is so useful that other websites will want to link to your web page and when word of mouth follows others will do the same. An example of this is an MTG land calculator found on this page. This is usually a high-value link.

Directory Links hold a lower value where your website is listed in a directory of similar websites. The rule of thumb is that the more other links that are on that directory page the lower the value of that link.

Content Links are links that are within the content of another website that points to your website which holds a higher value.

Citation Links are links that cite research information from your website to include on their website.

Paid Links are frowned upon by search engines and you can be penalized for them sometimes because they are not ‘natural links’.

Link Equity

The value of the link that points to your website is known as link equity. The value of the link depends upon many factors such as domain authority, page authority, how many other links are on the page, the position of the link, whether the link was purchased or not, etc.

Link Exchange

Link exchange is the arrangement of adding a link to your website with the cooperation that the other website adds your link to their website. These types of links hold low value and people tried setting up linking farms where the links are not directly exchanged between two sites to trick the search engines but they got wind of that and can detect them as spammy links now.

If the two links between two websites relate to each other then it is not considered spammy but still, holds low value.

Link Farm

Link farming was an old black-hat SEO tactic that was used to get quick rankings in the search engine which has been discovered and taken care of by the search engine’s algorithms. This was done by getting a group of websites to link to each other. One of the factors in the search engine algorithm to deter this was by finding out if the links all belong to the same c-block of the IP address.

Link Juice

Link juice was an old SEO term that was used to describe the passing value of a link from one website to another website. If you mentioned this to anyone today you would be branded as a novice or someone that does not know what they are talking about.

Link Profile

A link profile is the overview of the website that the link comes from. Is it a good link profile or a bad one? A link profile goes over if the website is spammy or not. If the website has the authority or not. Etc.

Link Quality

An inbound backlink that is from an EAT (expertise, authoritative, trustworthy) website.

Link Stability

How long a link stays on a website is link stability. When creating backlinks to your website it is best to get links that have strong link stability. Research can be done to see how long other links stay on the website, how often they change the content of the website, etc.

Link Velocity

Link velocity is the time frame of how fast links pop up pointing to your website. If the link velocity was normally slow then jumps very high (2 links per month then all of a sudden you received 500 links the next month) then it will trigger spam detectors in the search engines which can cause damage and even penalize your website due to the fact you would be under suspicion of using black-hat techniques such as purchasing links.

Link Volume

This is the number of links that are on a single page of the website. The rule of thumb is that the more links on a web page the less valuable it becomes to the website that it links to.

Links (Affiliate)

An affiliate link is a link that links to another website where if people follow that link and make a purchase or view the other web page then you get paid a commission. Affiliate links hold a lower value in Google’s eyes.

Links (Directory)

Links that point to a website that is located on a categorized directory page. These types of links usually have low value unless they are on a niche directory with very few other links.

Links (Editorial)

Links that show up on an editorial page or links that are earned naturally when someone cites the content on your website. These types of links are of high value.

Links (Purchased)

Links that are purchased to display on a website with a higher domain authority than your website so that you can raise the authority of your website. This is against Google’s guidelines and you can get penalized for it. Also, if the link is coming from a website that is not related to yours it would hold very little value.

Local Pack Listing

When people do searches for things ‘near me’ a Local Pack Listing of three or four websites pops up displaying what they are looking for that is near them according to the IP location of the internet connection the person is doing the search from.

Log File

If something ever goes wrong with your website you can examine the log files of your website to determine how the problem occurred. Or you can examine the log files to help improve getting more website visitors to your website through the use of examining the visitor’s IP address, what browser they used, where they came from, etc.

Login Pages

Pages on a website that has a form where you have to log in to view the content or access a CMS (content management system).

Long-Tail Keywords

Long-Tail keyword phrases are more specific keyword phrases that have lower searches but higher conversion rates. An example of one is instead of Widgets a long-tail keyword phrase would be Blue Widgets in Upper Michigan.

LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing)

Latent semantic indexing (LSI) is an indexing and retrieval method that uses a mathematical technique called singular value decomposition (SVD) to identify patterns in the relationships between the terms and concepts contained in an unstructured collection of text.

This is a technique used by search engines to help determine the ‘meaning’ of a web page to help bring better SERPs (search engine results pages) to the website visitor to help them what they are searching for easier. In the past, this was an important topic in the SEO world but the search engines have gotten so good at this that all you have to do is write good, relevant topics for your content and this will take care of itself.

LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability)

LTI is the protocol that allows compliant applications to share data and functions with each other. An example of this would be SEMRush and Google Analytics sharing data with each other.