Digital Marketing Terms (Terminology) R


The term is used to let you know what keyword phrase your website ranks on and what position (rank) it has.


RankBrain is a program that Google uses in its algorithm to help determine the most relevant websites to put in front of you when you do a search.

Ranking Factors

There are over 200 ranking factors that Google uses to help determine what position your website should rank for on a particular keyword phrase. Examples of ranking factors are the number of links pointing to a website, the quality of those links, expertise of a website, authority of a website, trustworthiness of a website, content quality, domain age, social media likes, social media shares, etc.

Reciprocal Linking

Reciprocal Linking occurs when two websites agree to link to each other. Reciprocal linking used to be a big factor in ranking in Google in the past but does not hold as much value as it used to because it more emphasis on natural links.


Redirects are created to fix broken links to a website so that the search engine will know where to go to recrawl and reindex its content. Here are some examples of redirects.

  • 301 Redirect – Moved Permanently
  • 302 Redirect – Found
  • 307 Redirect – Moved Temporarily
  • Meta Refresh – Meta Tag Code on a page to redirect from one page to another.


The way that someone is referred to your website. Examples of this would be a backlink, search engine, magazine ad, etc.


Here is an example of what this looks like in a link.

<link rel="canonical" href="" />

This is a way to let the search engines know which page is the original while other pages are copies or close copies of the original. This is useful in SEO (search engine optimization) to help your original page rank better than the copies.

Related Questions

Related Questions is a block of information showing what other searchers are searching for that is related to your query (search).


How close the content of a website matches the search engine query.

Reputation Management

The process of keeping track of the reputation of yourself or your company. This is helpful to use to keep track of what people are saying about you or your company so that you can fix bad reviews and customer complaints that people have but do not contact you directly. Moz has a reputation management tool called Fresh Alerts and Google does too called Google Alerts.

Resource Pages

Resource pages are pages on websites that have links to other websites that are relevant topics of the web page’s content for further information. Getting your website listed on other website resource pages is a good link building tactic as long as the resource page is relevant and does not have too many other links on the page.

Responsive Website

A responsive website moves blocks of content and resizes images and text sizes so that it is readable on all devices such as phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers.

Rich Snippet

The structured data code is used to add to a web page to help search engines define where your website belongs and what category it should be listed in. When this data is important enough in Google’s eyes it displays information on your website in the SERPs (search engine results pages) which can result in zero-click scenarios.

robots.txt File

The robots.txt file is used to help search engines crawl the website. It includes a list of pages that it is not allowed to crawl and index in its search engine. Examples of pages you don’t want to be crawled by the search engines would be where sensitive account data is being held.

Return on Investment (ROI)

This is a direct ratio of how much you spend to achieve a goal to how much you receive from the money that is spent. A high ROI (Return on Investment) is an important factor for businesses with a dedicated budget for marketing.